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Course curriculum
Introduction to TT - Kick-off session
Overview Module 2 - Trainer Level
Where to Start
Year Planning
First learn how to sit correctly
Anapanasati - 16 Breathing Techniques
Anapanasati - The Body
Anapanasati - Sensations
Anapanasati - Moods
Anapanasati - Wisdom
Basic Mindfulness Techniques (BMT)
Problem Points
Three Principles of Mindfulness (TPM)
The Three Characteristics of Existence
The origin of mindfulness - Documentary
Masters of meditation and mindfulness
Mindfulness in its context - Roadmap
The Definition of Mindfulness
Mindfulness and Meditation
Thich Nath Hanh
Jon Kabat Zinn
Ajahn Chah
Satya Narayana Goenka
Suang Sahn
Daila Lama
Did the Buddha really live?
Group Session 1
Group Session 2
Group Session 3
Group Session 5 (practical exam)
Group Session 6
Group Session 7
Group Session 8 (practical exam)
Group Session 9
Group Session 8 (theory exam)
Group Session 11
1.0 Make your practice schedule
1.1a Write down your personal objectives
1.1b Download: Document to write down your personal objectives
2.0 Anapanasati Video
3.0 Write a Personal Invitation
3.1 Make Promotional Video
4.0 Give an Introductory Session
5.0 Give your Mindfulness Course 1
6.0 Give your Mindfulness Course 2
30 minute sessions
45 minute sessions
1 hour sessions
1,5 hour sessions
2 hour session

About this course
- €1.850,00
- 86 lessons
- 1.5 hours of video content