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Course curriculum
Manual Exams and Tests
Test 2 - Quiz Theory
Copy of Exam 3 - Theory Module II

About this course
- €250,00
- 3 lessons
- 0 hours of video content
What do I get for €350?
When you buy access to this course for €350 you will have access to the audio recordings of all of the sessions of The Essence of Mindfulness - Introduction Course (with an exception for session 2) and all corresponding summaries on our website.
How long will I have access to this course?
When you buy access to this course on our online platform you will have access to the contents of this course for a period of 3 months. If you want to access this course also after this period has ended, we ask you to extend your access to this course. That way you not only will keep enhancing your practice for a longer period of time, but you will also support the Inner Mind Institute and help other people get in touch with mindfulness!
Will I also have access to other courses on this platform?
No. You will buy access to The Essence of Mindfulness - Introduction Course only. If you want to also study other courses on our platform we ask you to buy access to them separately. Or become a member by making a monthly donation and receive a coupon code that will give you free access to all of the courses on our platform for as long as you are a member.
When will you publish new studying material to this course?
New content for this course will be added every week after the latest session took place. Expect session 9 and session 10 to be online in the weeks of 1 and 8 June.
What is a member?
You can become a member of the Inner Mind Institute by making a monthly donation of at least €10. As a member you will receive a coupon code that will give you free access to all the courses on our platform.